A cave diver’s book about the Hungarian sites
Gábor Mozsáry was the author of “Föld alatti vizek mélyén” (Beneath water underground) book. One of the chapters about the dive in the Molnár János Cave. The divers started exploring in the underwater system in the seventies, so everything was new and exciting there. They swam around in the lake and later they penetrated into the cave system as well. The dive leader was the legendary Hungarian cave diver, István Plózer.
You can find the Föld alatti vizek mélyén – Búvár-barlangkutató kalandozások Kárpát-medencei barlangokban book in the Magyar Elektronikus Könyvtár (Hungarian Digital Library) website. Although it’s in Hungarian there are several photographs from the Molnár János Cave and other dive spots.
The source of this map which shows the cave system as they knew in 1974 the book as well.